
The FORGE series blends gaming and creative pursuits, offering users a platform to craft personalized experiences. Powered by MSI GEAR, the FORGE series not only fuels creativity but also enhances gameplay, enabling users to bring their visions to life whether in-game or at work.

Years of Gaming

Comfortable clicking experience with durable switches rated for over 10 Million actuations.

MSI gk100 combo durable switches


Instantly cycle through 4 DPI presets to adjust your accuracy for every situation.

MSI gk100 combo mouse dpi


This medium-hand size mouse is favorable for both palm and claw grip styles, and friendly for left-handed users, thanks to the symmetrical design.

MSI gk100 combo mouse fit your hand


An accurate optical sensor provides up to 6,400 DPI to deliver precise tracking.

MSI gk100 combo mouse control


Lighten the mood by playing with predefined effects for the preferred vibe.

MSI gk100 combo keyboard and mouse RGB


  • Durable Switches - Years of gaming with switches rated for over 10 Million actuations.
  • Precise Optical Mouse Sensor - Up to 6,400 DPI to deliver accurate tracking.
  • Symmetrical Design - Suitable for both palm and claw grip styles, and friendly for left-handed users.
  • Adjustable DPI - 4 DPI presets to adjust accuracy for every situation.
  • RGB LED - Lighten the mood by playing with predefined effects for the preferred vibe.

All images and descriptions are for illustrative purposes only. Visual representation of the products may not be perfectly accurate. Product specification, functions and appearance may vary by models and differ from country to country . All specifications are subject to change without notice. Please consult the product specifications page for full details.Although we endeavor to present the most precise and comprehensive information at the time of publication, a small number of items may contain typography or photography errors. Products may not be available in all markets. We recommend you to check with your local supplier for exact offers.