[Product Information] Momentary Black Screens When Plugging or Unplugging the Power Adapter
Laptops with panels that support multiple refresh rates setup may experience momentary black screens when connecting or disconnecting the power adapter.
This black screen is considered to be a normal phenomenon due to the changing refresh rates that are meant to provide better power efficiency when the AC power is unplugged.
Power efficiency plays an important when it comes to laptops, and the higher the display refresh rate panel has, the more power the system consumes. When the power is disconnected, MSI Display Power Saver will automatically adjust the panel refresh rate down to 60Hz or lower (depending on the panel support) to help prolong the battery life and switched back to the maximum refresh rate when the power is connected back again for the best viewer experience.
To stop the power saving by setup or avoiding the momentary black screen when plugging/unplugging the power adapter, follow the steps below.
Disable Display Power Saving in MSI Center/MSI Center Pro
(*Note: Models that don't bundle with a higher refresh rate panel will not have such an option)
- MSI Center: Launch MSI Center > Features > General Settings > Togged off the “Display Power Saver”
- MSI Center Pro: Launch MSI Center Pro > Setting > General Settings > Togged off the “Display Power Saver”
- Creator Z16 - A12U
- Crosshair 15 B12UGSZ
- GF63 Thin
- Katana GF76 - 12U
- Pulse GL76 11UCK
- Stealth 17M - A12U
- Stealth GS77 12UE
- Creator M16 A12UD
- Creator Z16 A11UE
- GE76 Raider 11UH
- Katana GF66 12UG
- Vector GP66 12UGS
- Creator 15
- Crosshair 15 Rainbow Six Extraction Edition - B12U
- GP66 Leopard 11UH
- Katana GF76 11UEK
- Katana GF76 11UG
- Pulse GL76 11UDK
- Stealth GS66 - 12U
- Sword 15 A11UE
- Creator 15 A11UE
- Crosshair 17 B12UGSZ
- GF63 Thin 11SC
- GP66 Leopard
- Katana GF66 11UE
- Pulse GL76 - 12U
- Stealth GS66 12UHS
- Sword 17 A11UC
- Crosshair 17 A11UEK
- GP76 Leopard
- Katana GF66 12UD
- Vector GP66 12UH
- WS66 11UKT
- WS66 Mobile Workstation
- Pulse GL66 11UGKV
- Stealth 15M A11UEK
- Sword 15 - A12U
- Sword 15 A11UC
- Katana GF76 11SC
- Katana GF76 12UG
- Pulse GL66 11UEK
- Summit E16 Flip
- Sword 15 A12UC
- Vector GP66 12UGSO
- Alpha 15
- Crosshair 15 A11UCK
- Crosshair 17 B12UEZ
- GS66 Stealth
- Katana GF66 - 12U
- Pulse GL66 - 12U
- Raider GE66 12UHS
- Summit E16Flip A11UCT
- Vector GP66 12UG
- Vector GP76 12UEO
- Creator M16 A12UC
- Crosshair 15 R6E B12UGZ
- Delta 15, AMD Advantage™ Edition
- GE66 Raider Dragonshield Limited Edition
- Raider GE66 Deluxe Edition 12UH
- Stealth GS77 12UGS
- Vector GP66 12UHO
- Vector GP76 12UE
- GP76 Leopard 11UE
- Katana GF66 11UD
- Katana GF66 12UGS
- Pulse GL66 11UDK
- Pulse GL66 12UGKV
- Pulse GL76
- Raider GE66 12UH
- Vector GP76 - 12U
- WE76 Mobile Workstation
- WF76 11UI
- WS76 11UM
- Creator 15 A11UH
- Creator 17 B11UG
- Creator 17 B11UH
- GS76 Stealth 11UG
- Pulse GL66 12UEK
- Raider GE76 - 12U
- Crosshair 17
- Crosshair 17 A11UDK
- GS76 Stealth 11UH
- Stealth GS77 - 12U
- Sword 15 A12UD
- Vector GP76 12UGSO
- WS76 Mobile Workstation
- GE76 Dragon Tiamat 11UH
- Katana GF76 12UC
- Stealth GS77 12UHS
- GE66 Raider 11UE
- GE76 Raider 11UE
- Vector GP76 12UGS
- WE76 11UK
- Creator M16 A12UGS
- Crosshair 17 A11UCK
- GE76 Dragon Tiamat 11UG
- Sword 15 A12UGS
- Vector GP76 12UH
- Alpha 15, AMD Advantage™ Edition
- GP76 Leopard 11UH
- GS66 Stealth 11UE
- Katana GF66 11SC
- Pulse GL66 12UGK
- Raider GE66 Deluxe Edition 12UGS
- Vector GP66 12UE
- Bravo 15
- Creator Z16 Hiroshi Fujiwara Limited Edition A11UE
- Stealth GS77 12UH
- Summit E16FlipEvo A11MT
- Sword 17 A11SC
- Creator M16 A12UG
- Crosshair 15 A11UDK
- Pulse GL66 11UGK
- Stealth 15M - B12U
- Stealth 15M A11SDK
- Stealth GS66 12UGS
- Sword 15 A11UG
- Vector GP76 12UHS
- WF76 Mobile Workstation
- Alpha 15 B5EEK
- GE66 Raider
- Pulse GL66 12UCK
- Stealth 15M A11UEKV
- Stealth 15M B12UE
- Creator M16 A11UC
- Creator M16 A12UEV
- Creator Z16 Hiroshi Fujiwara Limited Edition
- Katana GF76 12UGS
- Pulse GL76 11UEK
- Raider GE76 12UGS
- Stealth GS77 12UG
- Sword 15
- Sword 15 A11SC
- Vector GP66 - 12U
- GF63 Thin 11UC
- Katana GF66 11UG
- Katana GF76 11UC
- Raider GE66 - 12U
- GE76 Raider Dragon Edition Tiamat
- Pulse GL76 12UGK
- WF76 11UJ
- Creator M16 A12UE
- Crosshair 15 - B12U
- Katana GF76 11UE
- Katana GF76 12UD
- Pulse GL66
- Raider GE76 Deluxe Edition 12UHS
- Stealth GS66 12UE
- Sword 15 A12UG
- Alpha 15 B5EE
- Creator Z16 A11UET
- Crosshair 17 B12UGZ
- GS66 Stealth 11UH
- Stealth 15M A11SEK
- Stealth 17M A12UE
- Alpha 17 B5EEK
- Creator M16 - A12U
- GE76 Raider
- GS76 Stealth 11UE
- Katana GF66 11UC
- Sword 17 A11UD
- Sword 17 A11UE
- WE76 11UM
- Creator 17
- Creator M16 A11UD
- Creator Z16
- Delta 15 A5EFK
- GE66 Raider 11UH
- GF63 Thin 11UD
- Pulse GL76 12UEK
- Raider GE66 12UGS
- Raider GE76 12UH
- Creator M16 A11UX
- Crosshair 15 R6E B12UEZ
- Crosshair 17 - B12U
- GE66 Raider 11UG
- GE76 Raider 11UG
- GF63 Thin 11SCV
- Katana GF66
- Raider GE76 Deluxe Edition - 12U
- Stealth 15M
- Stealth GS66 12UH
- WS66 11UMT
- Creator M16
- Crosshair 15 B12UGZ
- GP66 Leopard 11UE
- GP66 Leopard 11UG
- GP76 Leopard 11UG
- Katana GF76 11UD
- Katana GF76 12UE
- Pulse GL66 11UCK
- Raider GE76 12UHS
- Vector GP66 12UEO
- Vector GP76 12UHO
- Creator Z16 A12UET
- Crosshair 15 B12UEZ
- Katana GF66 12UC
- Katana GF66 12UE
- WS66 11UM
- Alpha 17, AMD Advantage™ Edition
- GE66 Dragonshield 11UE
- Raider GE66 Deluxe Edition - 12U
- Stealth GS66 12UG
- Summit E16Flip A11UDT
- Sword 15 A11UD
- Sword 17
- Creator 17 B11UE
- Crosshair 15 A11UEK
- Raider GE66 Deluxe Edition 12UHS
- Raider GE76 Deluxe Edition 12UGS
- Bravo 15 B5DD
- Crosshair 15
- GS66 Stealth 11UG
- Katana GF76
- Sword 15 A12UE
- WS66 11UK
- WS76 11UK