The following content is suitable for upgrading graphics card on MSI desktop

How to check the specification of graphics card?

Please check the specification, graphics card size, working frequency and case type first. In order to avoid the graphics card not match with case.

Go MSI official web, Click the search icon

upgrade vga

Type market name and press [Enter] key (e.g.CODEX S 9TH).

upgrade vga

Click [SPECIFICATION] and check [Graphics].

upgrade vga

Check graphics card information, power consumption Interface…etc.

upgrade vga

How to select graphics card?

MSI Official WebSite → Click the search icon → type market name (e.g.: CODEX S 9TH) → Select [Support] → Click [Recommend] → Check [VGA Report]. You could find MSI recommended graphics card list for this desktop.

upgrade vga

How to install graphics card?

  • Remove the screws that fixed graphics card to the case.
  • Push aside the card fixture of PCI-E slot on the motherboard.
  • Insert the graphics card into the PCIE card slot of the motherboard.
  • Push back the card fixture to fix the graphics card.
  • Lock the graphics card to the case by screws.
  • Connect the supply power.
upgrade vga

Suggestions for graphics card installation

Check if the PCI-E port is abnormal. Then install the graphics card to the computer and fix it by screw. If the graphics card has 6Pin and 8Pin power supply ports, the ports must be connected to power supply, or it may not start up because of less power supply.

Connect the monitor to the discrete graphics card by signal cable.

After finishing the check item, power on the desktop and install the graphics driver in Windows