To check the supported external devices please refer to hardware specifications or compatibility report.

Hardware specifications

Input the model name on the top right corner's search bar at MSI official website

For example: input MPG Z390M GAMING EDGE AC in the [Search] icon, press [Enter] key to find the matching result.

bios manual

Click on the [Specifications] button down below the product name

spec hddssd

Click on [DETAIL] tab

spec cpu

Check the [BACK PANEL PORTS] information, the I/O port specifications for this motherboard

spec io

Compatibility report

Input the model name on the top right corner's search bar at MSI official website.

For example: input MPG Z390M GAMING EDGE AC in the [Search] icon, press [Enter] key to find the matching result.

Click on the [Compatibility] button down below the product name.

spec io

Click [USB devices]

spec io

Explanation for items in Support report

「Speed」:USB channel protocol

「USB Type」:USB port type

「Device Type」:Type of Devices

Note: FDD is floppy drive, GameWheel is game steering wheel, Gamingboard is gaming keyboard.

「Vender」:USB Brand

「Model」:USB device model

「Result」:Test result

spec io