This article will provide the instructions on the Windows initial setup after clean installing or starting up a newly installed operating system. If you have not installed the operating system, please refer to the article: How to install Windows 10? to install the operating system.

● Before starting the process, please make sure

   o The power plug is connected to the wall power socket and the PC

   o The monitor cables and power are in the right position

   o Turn on the monitor

   o Press the power button to start up

spec hddssd

● Windows Initial Setup

   o Select your area and click [Yes] to continue

spec hddssd

   o Select a keyboard layout and click [ yes] to continue

spec hddssd

   o Add a second keyboard layout or go [Skip]

spec hddssd

   o Connect to an available Ethernet or Wireless network or select [I don't have Internet]

spec hddssd

   o Name your PC/ user name and click [next]

spec hddssd

   o Set a password for your computer. If you don’t need a password, select [next] to skip

spec hddssd

   o The following Settings can be enabled according to your personal needs

spec hddssd

   o The following Settings can be enabled according to your personal needs

spec hddssd

   o Wait until the configuration settings completed, you will enter the Windows desktop straightly, at this stage means the operating system has been installed successfully.

spec hddssd